Saturday, November 30, 2019

World War II Essays (639 words) - Chancellors Of Germany

World War II Before World War II broke out the world took a backseat ride during Hitler's rise to power. The entire world didn't think that he would become as influential as he became. Hitler achieved his power by relying on the navieness of the world to sit back and allow him to do as he pleased. The world was too concerned about political, economic and militant unrest to worry about a yelling German who thought we would rule the world. Before and during the war, the world was concerned about the economic system. Since ever since World War I, the world countries have been in and out of depressions, no one wanted another costly war. The United States, which was in the Greatest Depression of all, was deep engulfed in its isolationist policy. The US didn't want war, especially after the last one they fought with huge causalities and huge amounts of money spent. The citizens of the US didn't want another war because they knew that another war would cause another depression and that was something that the people didn't want. Even thought the war would create jobs, and put the economy back into a war boom, the American public didn't want to have to deal with the downsides of a war. The major downside being the huge economic toll it would take on the government, which would be fighting on two oceans on different sides of the world. It would become very costly to maintain war and win too. The world also had enormous political concerns. The US was in a period of isolationism and they wanted no part of anything else in the world, except the Western Hemisphere. With Germany's rise of Nazism, the world responded with fascist parties popping up in every nation across the world. Hitler has spread his beliefs into every county in the entire world, exactly what he wanted. These parties responded to every action that their leader took, they helped him scout out a specific country and infiltrate that country's government. These parties believe in Hitler and did whatever he told them to do, including in the United States. After the countries realized Hitler's power they all formed different alliances. The German's allied with Italy and Japan. The US allied with Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. It seemed as though each day another country would sign up with either side. Sometimes, even, countries would agree not to fight each. The pre-war and during the war, militaries from all countries fought a war with superior equipment than in the last war. With the invention of the plane, tank, machine gun spread war supplies all over the globe and allowed each country to empower itself. The US prepared for war by passing a series of congressional acts that enabled the war budget to increase dramatically. These acts also allowed for the US to help other countries without actually engaging in the war. The US supplied Great Britain with supplies and ships without ever declaring war on Germany. Germany's invention of the Blitzkrieg they attacked nations and conquered them in single days. No nation had ever seen tactics like this before, and they worked for Hitler. Hitler's air force was the best in the world, he had the most planes with the best pilots. They were unstoppable. Japan's increase in military power proved itself with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December. Japan showed off its massive air force that dominated and destroyed the majority of the United States Navy fleet. World War II was a war that brought the world together. There wasn't a place on the earth were this war wasn't fought. There wasn't a place on this earth were people didn't take sides, whether with the Allies or the Axis powers. The war brought countries like the United States and the Soviet Union together. However, the war did bring mass destruction the Europe and the massive demise of the people hated by the Nazi's. Hitler almost wiped out an entire race; however, he failed because the on dominance and perseverance of democracy upon the world.

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