Thursday, November 14, 2019

Creating A Just Society for Children :: Sociology Essays Research Papers

Creating A Just Society for Children News reports lately suggest that children who have been having meal with their family everyday commit less misdemeanor and crime than children who have not. According to the news report, children who have meal with their family grow up to be strong and stable mentally. They are able to adapt a society very well. Recently we see many teenagers’ committing crimes. At first glance, these teenagers seem to be average. However their actions are cruel. Those children are suffering from the influence of their environment that they have been brought up in, and can not solve their problems by themselves. Some of them are trying to ask their parents help, but the parents do not take it seriously or misunderstand it. Some parents try to solve the problem by supplying everything children need. It is difficult to foster a good environment through material things only. A good spiritual home is also important. I wonder how we can create a just society not for children but a lso for all and whether the day-care is really important for children or not. The case of the article about the okinawan, which we discussed in the class, is a very sensitive topic. In Japan, there is a tendency that mothers always stay next to their baby and take care of them very well. Even when they go to bed, they take the baby to their bed and let him or her sleep next to them. On the other hand, in the United States, the parents let their baby sleep on the baby’s bed. When the baby is born, they give a room to their baby. Some parents let a babysitter take care of their baby. While the babysitter is taking care of the baby, the parents are working or going somewhere. For some parents, having a babysitter is very helpful. They are able to work and live financially independent. They also have more time for themselves instead of taking care of their baby. However, there is a problem about letting the babysitter take care of the baby. The problem is whether the babysitter takes care of the baby properly or not. I have seen a lot of news on the TV.

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