Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Marijuana Addiction - 1162 Words

Becoming Addicted to Marijuana â€Å"Marijuana is the most commonly used drug illegal drug in the world.† (â€Å"What is Marijuana†, 2013). It has recently become legal in a couple states, and more states are sure to follow their lead in the upcoming months. People can make the argument that marijuana does not have any negative effects, but they are wrong. Becoming addicted to marijuana is easy, and it only opens up the door for you to try other harmful drugs once marijuana quits getting you high. You need to know the whole story, how people become addicted, the negative effects it has on your body and mind, and what you can do once someone you know has become addicted.†¦show more content†¦I constantly hear that weed does not harm you, this is false. â€Å"Marijuana contains more than four hundred known chemicals, including the same cancer-causing substances found in tobacco smoke†. (Alcohol vs. Marijuana, 2013). Let that sink in for a second, it has fo ur hundred known chemicals in it that does not sound healthy for you. I also found out that â€Å" It has been found that consuming one joint gives as much exposure to cancer-producing chemicals as smoking five cigarettes†. (What is Marijuana, 2013). One joint is the equivalent as smoking five cigarettes, but weed is harmless, I think not. Marijuana also affects your mind to where you cannot remember things. Marijuana smokers do not have the same ability to remember and organize information compared to people who do not smoke. Becoming addicted to drugs is a tragic thing to happen to anybody. These people need help as soon as possible, because doing drugs can kill you, whether from overdose or having a fatal accident while they are high. Thankfully there are many things that can be done to help drug addicts. Supporting them is key, â€Å" Recovering from drug addiction is much easier when you have people you can lean on for encouragement, comfort, and guidance†. (Robin son, Smith, Saison, 2013). The first thing that you should is to speak up, and tell them your concerns about them. You need to avoid being judgmental, because becoming an addict can happenShow MoreRelatedConsequences of Addiction to Marijuana781 Words   |  3 Pagesthe use of marijuana range in a variety of physical, psychological, social, and even financial burdens. People who become addicted to marijuana often find themselves experiencing consequences in all these categories. Consequences and effects in one area often lead to more consequences and down falls in another. Physical can lead to psychological. Psychological can lead to social. Social can lead to financial. The burdens and hard consequences of marijuana use are all connected. Marijuana can be smokedRead MoreEssay on Marijuana Addiction in Adolescents630 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Marijuana Addiction in Adolescents Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the Nation and the world. In an article by Gray (2007) he states that â€Å"42% of high school seniors have tried marijuana, 18% have used it in the past 30 days, and 5% use it daily. Among adolescents aged 12 to 17, 3.6% met criteria for cannabis use disorder (abuse or dependence) and 2% met criteria for cannabis dependence†. Gray (2007) also explains how easily adolescents say it isRead MoreMarijuana Addiction Is The State Of Being Dependent Of A Substance Or Item814 Words   |  4 PagesMarijuana Addiction Addiction is the state of being dependent of a substance or item. In this case the drug marijuana which is also known as weed, pot, and cannabis has the capability to become addictive. â€Å"In the Americas, cannabis extract was a popular medicinal drug in the 1800s. But in the 1900s, the tide began to turn against the drug† (â€Å"Marijuana: Facts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). It then proceeded in being banned in some states till it eventually became illegal. What Marijuana does is affect the brain through theRead MoreThe Addiction to Marijuana1533 Words   |  7 PagesIn the United States, marijuana is being categorized as a Class A Drug, but in reality marijuana has been known to help cure and fight many sicknesses and diseases. Marijuana is being criticized by people that never studied the drug or even know about the medicinal benefits from the drug. Over the years, marijuana has been called a gateway drug to harder narcotics, but this isn’t the case. 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However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental an d physical health of the personsRead MoreRunning Head : Legalize Marijuana1528 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: Legalize Marijuana Pro-Legalization of Marijuana in California Mirna Abujudeh CSUSB Mary Dolan PSYCH 105 T/R Intaking Marijuana for Medical Purposes Should be Legal for the Sick and Ill in California Marijuana has been achieving euphoria for humans since ancient times; the use spread from China to India and then to North Africa and Europe as early as A.D. 500. Cannabis is said to contain over 400 different chemicals, the main ingredient that impinge the mind is THC. TheRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization1226 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Marijuana? According to, Marijuana is, â€Å"a preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria†(marijuana). Marijuana, also known as â€Å"Mary Jane†, is drawn out to be an extremely horrible, life-ruining drug. Children learn that marijuana is a â€Å"gateway† drug and that it only does harm. Though it can be quite addictive, Marijuana is safer than commonly used drugs like Tobacco and could possibly be moreRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pages Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is not a recent discovery, but the mysteries surrounding the controversial topic in question remains to be disputed since its prohibition. Classified as an illegal substance, cannabis has been restricted in Canada and around the world. 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